What’s New?

Well, if you haven’t guessed from the smell of fresh paint and drywall dust, we’re still in the process of getting this site fully built out. We’re like the Starship Enterprise in the first movie, we’re functional, but not fully space tested yet, and we might lose a couple people in the transporter, but check back on this page frequently, and I’ll keep you up with the latest going’s on at Grunt Multiservice!

Speaking of which, I am hoping to have this site launched, and start promotion in October. I am awaiting the start of an online Excel course I will be conducting for the School of Continuing Education International at MacEwan University. I am also working on an Excel Financial Functions overview course for MacEwan I also hope to dovetail promotion of this site in with some research I am doing for a course on Social Media platforms for the new year. As always, I am also looking for online tutorial clients!

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