Almost 10 years ago, a dear friend, J.P. Fournier, convinced me to co-host a podcast about obscure films. The idea is simple. If you ask someone what their favorite movie is, they might scratch their heads for a bit and may not be able to single it down to one. Ask a person what movie they hate, and they will let you now almost instantly, and won’t be afraid to tell you why. With over 400 episodes done and a plethora of fascinating guests, The Movie Jerks is one of the longest running podcasts in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and it have given birth to an informative movie blog as well. If you are a fan of films so bad that they are good, you owe yourself a chance to listen to The Movie Jerks!
Our website is www.themoviejerks.ca
To listen to our latest episodes, just click on themoviejerks.podbean.com
And to catch up on our blog, check out http://themoviejerksblog.blogspot.com/
And if you want to sample a few episodes, here are a few I think you might like:

Easily one of our fan favorites, this episode with Henry Rollins is not to be missed. Legendary rocker, actor, spoken word artist and film fan, Henry and the Producer and Director of “He Never Died” sit down to have a chat with us.
You may know his as Commander Shepard from the video game Mass Effect, but Mark Meer is an actor, writer, improviser and a nerd’s nerd. Check out his discussion with The Movie Jerks over a subject near and dear to his heart, Dungeons and Dragons.

Infamous Movie Director Uwe Boll isn’t such a bad guy as long as you don’t challenge him to punch you in the face. The Movie Jerks had a chance to chat with the accomplished Director and award winning restauranteur about the films that made him famous, and the possibility of him turning to the world of documentaries. A remarkable chat with a remarkable artist who plays by his own rules.